Smriti Bansal
Department of Oculoplasty, Dr Shroff’s Charity Eye Hospital,
New Delhi
Case Report
Primary Tuberculous Dacryocystitis: Two Case Reports and Review of Literature
Author(s): Sima Das and Smriti Bansal
Sima Das and Smriti Bansal
Tuberculosis is one of the commonest infectious diseases affecting major population of developing countries. lacrimal sac tuberculosis is one of the rare entities. We report two such cases of tuberculous dacryocystitis where intraoperatively unhealthy looking lacrimal sac clinched the diagnosis. Histopathological features such as caseous and epithelioid granulomas were suggestive of tuberculosis which was further confirmed with systemic evaluation. Antitubercular therapy was started, and patients were asymptomatic on follow up visits. A systematic Medline search was done, and we could find only 15 such cases reported in literature. A review was done, and summary of all cases are included in the article.
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