Shrivastava P
Research Article
Growth Responses of Animal and Plant Origin Dietary Lipids on the Survival,Growth and Feed Efficiency of Asian Catfish, Clarias batrachus (Linnaeus,1758) Grow-out
Author(s): Akhilesh Kumar Yadav ,Prem Prakash Srivastava *,Shrivastava P ,Shipra Chowdhary ,Rajesh Dayal ,Joy Krushna Jena
Akhilesh Kumar Yadav ,Prem Prakash Srivastava *,Shrivastava P ,Shipra Chowdhary ,Rajesh Dayal ,Joy Krushna Jena
A 84-days long experiment was conducted with a view to observe the effects of different feeds on growth and survival of Clarias batrachus grow-out. There were seven treatments (FISOL, BETAL, SOYAL, LINOL, MIXOL, SATOL and NATFO containing Fish oil, Beef tallow, Soybean oil, Linseed oil, Mixed oil (i.e. containing in 1:1:1:1 ratio of Fish oil, Beef tallow, Soybean oil, Linseed oil), Vegetable oil and minced chicken meat as natural food, respectively, each having three replications, stocked with 30 grow-out having an initial average weight 55.83 + 3.14 in a circular plastic pools (capacity 300 L). The six feeds were formulated with basic ingredients (Soybean meal, 35%; soluble starch, 29%; Casein, 19.5%; carboxy - methyl - cellulose, 2%; papain, 0.5%; vitamin and mineral mix, 4.0%) with iso-energetic (19.55 kJ/g, F1-F6 ) diets and results were compared with natural food.. View More»