Rosli Mohd Yunus

Rosli Mohd Yunus


  • Research Article
    Review on the Fundamental Aspects of Petroleum Oil Emulsions and Techniques of Demulsification
    Author(s): Souleyman A Issaka, Abdurahman H Nour and Rosli Mohd YunusSouleyman A Issaka, Abdurahman H Nour and Rosli Mohd Yunus

    This review is aimed to introduce a comprehensive survey on the most prominent and sustainable techniques and methods that could abate the environmental worries as well as financial insecurities in treating petroleum emulsions, since the existence of water is not desired because of the paramount troubles it may cause on the processing streamlines, as well as financial cost associated with transporting water mixed with petroleum. Currently, the most commonly used method for treating petroleum emulsion is the application of chemical additives, known as demulsifiers. Althogh, there are many other methods that are claimed to be more favorable from economic and environmental perspectives, yet, have not being fully put into real life practice, because of the drawbacks and disadvantages. In this review, several techniques have been surveyed including, chemical, e.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2157-7463.1000214

    Abstract PDF