Rawal RK

Rawal RK


  • Research Article
    Development and Validation of Mefenamic Acid, Dicyclomine HCl and Pamabrom in Marketed Formulation by HPLC
    Author(s): Kumar A, Chawla P, Porwal P, Rawal RK and Anghore DKumar A, Chawla P, Porwal P, Rawal RK and Anghore D

    Method has been validated by using spectrophotometric and chromatographic techniques for Mefenamic acid (MEF), Dicyclomine Hydrochloride (DCL) and Pamabrom (PABr) in bulk powder and in pharmaceutical formulations, with a high degree of specificity, selectivity and assurances, method for the drug combination has been not reported. The objectives were to develop and validate a simple, precise and accurate UV and RPHPLC method for simultaneous estimation of mefenamic acid, dicyclomine hydrochloride and pamabrom from multicomponent tablet dosage form. The first Vierdot’s method was performed and absorption maxima of MEF, DCL and PABr at 285, 218 and 278 nm, respectively. Calibration graphs were established in the range of 2-24 μg/mL. The retention time were found to be 5.789, 2.522 and 4.284 min. respectively. UV and HPLC methods were developed and validated for pharmaceutical do.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2153-2435.1000594

    Abstract PDF