Ramadan NK
Research Article
Development and Validation of Spectrophotometric and Spectrofluorimetric Methods for the Determination of Cyclobenzaprine HCl
Author(s): Ramadan NK, Mohamed TA, Fouad RM and Moustafa AA
Ramadan NK, Mohamed TA, Fouad RM and Moustafa AA
Five simple and sensitive methods were developed for the determination of cyclobenzapirine hcl (CB) in presence of its degradation product anthraquinone (AQ).
Method A dual wavelength spectrophotometry (DW); where two wavelengths were selected for the drug 283 and 306 nm in such a way that the difference in absorbance was zero for its degradation. Method B ratio difference spectrophotometry (RD) was depended on measuring the ratio difference between 290 and 305 nm. Method C was depended on measuring the peak amplitude of the first derivative of the ratio spectra (1DD) at 282 and 306 nm. Method D Isoabsorptive Point (ISO) at 280 nm Coupled with Second Derivative (2D). Method E depending on spectrofluorimetric determination of cyclobenzapirine HCl through quenching of uranyl acetate with ?exi 228 nm and ?em at 458 nm. Linearties were obtained in concentration range 5 μg/ml .. View More»