Ralf Knels
Research Article
Analysis of Management Information System in Blood Transfusion Services, Pakistan
Author(s): Usman Waheed, Hynek Kruzik, Ralf Knels and Hasan Abbas ZaheerUsman Waheed, Hynek Kruzik, Ralf Knels and Hasan Abbas Zaheer
Background: Systems reforms are being implemented in the blood transfusion system in Pakistan through the Safe Blood Transfusion Programme. One of the key elements of these reforms is the installation of a synchronized computer based management information system. Currently the blood transfusion sector lack efficient tools for information and knowledge management, and process automation. The exchange of information is not possible among blood centres as they are not consistently regulated under the existing legislation, as the weak operational structure of Blood Transfusion Authorities (BTA) limited their outreach into the system. The present study was conducted to prepare a comparative analysis of the existing information systems in the Pakistani blood banks with the international systems and to explore the possibility whether integration of individual systems is pos.. View More»