Raja Chairi
Georesearch Laboratory, Ecopark BorjCedria,
Research Article
Biomarkers on Sediments in a Highly Saline Aquatic Ecosystem: Case of the Moknine Continental Sebkha (Eastern Tunisia)
Author(s): Raja ChairiRaja Chairi
Surficial sediments from 18 sites throughout Moknine sebkha, one of the largest urbanized sebkha in the sahel of
tunisia, were analyzed for biomarkers (n-alkanes, hopanes and steranes) to track the origin of organic inputs. A
distinct spatial distribution of aliphatic hydrocarbons in sediments was observed in Moknine sebkha which subdivide
this environment in two area. The submerged area is characterized by high concentration of OC 1%-4.9%, EOM
2%-49% CO, aliphatic hydrocarbons 1350 µg.kg-1to 3700 µg.kg-1sediment dry weight. Emerged area is
characterized by low concentration (OC.. View More»