Perera ODAN
Faculty of Livestock Fisheries and Nutrition,
Makandura, Gonawila (NWP)
Sri Lanka
Research Article
Development of Fiber Rich Soft Dough Biscuits Fortified with Kohila (Lasia spinosa) Flour
Author(s): Pupulawaththa AW, Perera ODAN and Ranwala APupulawaththa AW, Perera ODAN and Ranwala A
Currently there is a growing demand for fiber fortified food products in the world to prevent from non-communicable diseases. To develop high fiber soft dough biscuit, kohila flour was added to biscuit formulation at 10% and 15% levels (w/w), respectively. Sugar was substituted with sucralose (1 g) to obtain a low energy product. The chemical and proximate compositions of the product (moisture, pH, protein, fat, ash, dietary fiber, carbohydrate, sodium and heavy metal, antioxidant capacity) were determined. Sensory evaluation was carried out by a panel of thirty semi trained panelists, using a paired preference test and hedonic test to select the most preferred sample with the best sensory attributes. A market survey was done by using sixty sample sizes to evaluate the consumer preference for the prepared biscuit. Results showed that kohila flour fortified biscuits contained significa.. View More»