Orji Okoro Loveday

  • Research Article
    Emerging Multidrug Resistant Metallo-β-Lactamases (MBLs) Positive Klebsiella Species from Cloacal Swabs of Poultry Birds
    Author(s): Ejikeugwu Chika, Iroha Ifeanyichukwu, Oguejiofor Benigna, Orji Okoro Loveday, Eluu Stanley, Okafor Collins, Ovia Kenneth and Ezeador ChikaEjikeugwu Chika, Iroha Ifeanyichukwu, Oguejiofor Benigna, Orji Okoro Loveday, Eluu Stanley, Okafor Collins, Ovia Kenneth and Ezeador Chika

    The increasing prevalence of antibiotic resistant bacteria in the community is a public health issue because this phenomenon compromises our ability to effectively treat infectious diseases since these organisms such as those that express metallo-β-lactamase (MBL) are usually resistant to a wide variety of antibiotics. This study investigated the frequency of Klebsiella species from a local poultry farm that produced metallo-β-lactamase using phenotypic detection technique. Forty (40) samples from the cloacae of poultry birds were used for this study. Each sample was bacteriologically analyzed on MacConkey agar, and the isolated organism was identified by standard microbiology techniques. Susceptibility testing was done using disk diffusion technique, and the production of MBL was confirmed using disk diffusion technique in which EDTA was used as a chelating agent. Totally, .. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2155-9597.1000305

    Abstract PDF