Olaniyan AM
Research Article
Characteristics of Onion under Different Process Pretreatments and Different Drying Conditions
Author(s): Alabi KP, Olaniyan AM and Odewole MMAlabi KP, Olaniyan AM and Odewole MM
Introduction: Onion (Allium cepa) is an important spice crop often grown outdoors in temperate climates as an annual crop because of its adaptability to varying weather conditions. It is an underground vegetable which varies in size colour, firmness and strength of flavour. Onion is often called “poor man’s orange” because it is a good source of vitamins, particularly Vitamin A and C. It is also a rich source of minerals such as iron, thiamine, niacin and manganese contents. Onion is said to be very useful against heart diseases and many bacterial species including bacillus subtilis, salmoneva, and E. coli. This vegetable crop is highly perishable in its natural state after harvest resulting in huge postharvest losses during storage, transportation and marketing in the production season and extreme scarcity in the off-season which can be checked by d.. View More»