Odia Y
Neurological Institute of New York,
710 W. 168th Street, 9th Floor, New York
Case Report
Recurrent Primary CNS Lymphoma Presenting with Central Neurogenic Hyperventilation
Author(s): Odia Y and Kreisl TNOdia Y and Kreisl TN
Background: Tumor-induced Central Neurogenic Hyperventilation (CNH) is exceedingly rare, about half resulting from Primary CNS Lymphoma (PCNSL) despite their rarity.
Results: We present a 75 year-old, immunocompetent woman with recurrent PCNSL leading to CNH. She was initially diagnosed with PCNSL via biopsy of the single enhancing left caudate focus among diffuse, nonenhancing CNS infiltrative disease without diffusion restriction or CSF or intraocular dissemination. She received 5 cycles of biweekly rituximab and methotrexate, initially dosed at 3.5 gm/m2 with procarbazine and vincristine, then dosed at 8 gm/m2 with monthly temozolomide 150 mg/m2. Repeat brain MRI revealed no residual enhancement with confluent subcortical nonenhancing signal without brainstem involvement suggesting methotrexate-related leukodystrophy. Two weeks after cytarabine consolidation, she presented .. View More»