Naglaa RA Kasem
Research Article
Comparative Effects of Scorpion Venom and Aqueous Basil (Ocimum basilicum) Leaves Extracts on Ccl4-induced Toxicity in Albino Rats
Author(s): Muhammad MA Salman, Naglaa RA Kasem and Nora HM Saleh
Muhammad MA Salman, Naglaa RA Kasem and Nora HM Saleh
The present study aims to compare the therapeutic effects between to extract scorpion venom (bradykinin potentiating factor; BPF) and aqueous extract of Sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum) on CCl4-induced toxicity of liver and kidney in albino rats. Rats were divided into 8 groups. Group (1) was served as normal group; Group (2) was injected intraperitoneal (i.p.) once a week for 3 weeks with BPF at a dose (1 μgm/g). Group (3) was received orally O. basilicum extract, twice a week for 6 weeks at dose (20 ml/kg). Group 4 was treated with the same doses of BPF and O. basilicum. Group (5) was injected i.p. with CCl4 (1 ml/kg), 3 times weekly, for 2 weeks and served as control group. Groups 6, 7 and 8 were injected i.p. with CCl4 then treated i.p. with BPF, orally with O. basilicum and BPF plus O. basilicum respectively. The results of the present study cleared that normal group (1) and gro.. View More»