Naftly Goldshleger
Research Article
Using Combined Close-Range Active and Passive- Remote Sensing Methods to Detect Sinkholes
Author(s): Naftly Goldshleger, Uri Basson, Shlomo Fastig and Ilan Azaria
Naftly Goldshleger, Uri Basson, Shlomo Fastig and Ilan Azaria
In the Dead Sea region of Israel, sinkholes collapse can be observed easily due to the large number of sites. The continuous decrease in Dead Sea level over the last 30 years, caused a substantial increases the sinkhole activity (more than 3,000 sinkholes upper layer collapse). Sinkholes of up to 50 m diameter are found to be clustered in sites with variable characteristics. In this research, we have developed methods for prediction of sinkholes appearance by using mapping and monitoring methods based on active and passive remote-sensing means. These methods are based on measurements from several instruments including field spectrometry, geophysical ground-penetration radar (GPR) and a frequency domain electromagnetic (FDEM) instrument. Field spectrometry was used to compare the spectral signatures of soil samples collected near progressing sinkholes and those taken in regions with no.. View More»