Muhammad Ali Theyab

Muhammad Ali Theyab

United Kingdom

  • Research Article
    Experimental Methodology Followed to Evaluate Wax Deposition Process
    Author(s): Muhammad Ali Theyab Muhammad Ali Theyab

    This study illustrates the methodology used to evaluate wax deposition volume. It outlines the details of the rig used to evaluate the wax deposition process and study the factors that influence on the wax deposition process such as crude oil temperature, flow rate, pressure drop, inlet coolant temperature, oil viscosity, shear stress, time. Also, presents the different chemicals used as inhibitors to mitigate wax deposition and spiral flow as a mechanical method used to reduce wax deposition in the crude oil pipeline. This study, presents the standard analytical and chemical methods to characterise the crude oil. The experimental rig described in more details during this study. In this study, several strategies are followed and illustrated to study its influence on wax deposition process. During this work, four different techniques are used to estimate wax deposit thickness. These te.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2157-7463.1000357

    Abstract PDF