Montserrat Puig
Mentaly Maternoinfantil, Universidad de Barcelona,
c/ Feixa Llarga, s/n. Despatx 307, Campus de Bellvitge, 08907 Hospitalet de Llobregat
Research Article
Lifestyle of the Elderly Receiving Home Care in Spain
Author(s): Montserrat Puig, Nuria Rodraguez Avila, Maria Teresa Lluch Canut and Jaume Farras Farras
Montserrat Puig, Nuria Rodraguez Avila, Maria Teresa Lluch Canut and Jaume Farras Farras
The aim of this study is to examine the lifestyle characteristics and health status of the elderly in order to identify aspects that might help promote active ageing. Participants were 26 elderly citizens aged 75 or over who were the recipients of home care services in Vilafranca del Penedès (Barcelona, Spain). They were recruited by means of convenience sampling, and a case study approach was adopted. Fieldwork was conducted in April 2007, with a specially designed questionnaire administered in the context of an in-depth interview. Quantitative data were analyzed with SPSS 15, while qualitative data were analysed and grouped by category. The results indicated that 53.8% of the elderly interviewees perceived their health status as being regular, most did not have adequate nutrition and hydration, while 42.3% had chewing problems and 65.3% presented slight dependence. Most of th.. View More»