Mohammed I Fallatah
Saudi Arabia
Research Article
From Drone-Based Remote Sensing to Digital Outcrop Modeling: Integrated Workflow for Quantitative Outcrop Interpretation
Author(s): Mokhles M Mezghani*, Mohammed I Fallatah and AbdulJaleel A AbuBshaitMokhles M Mezghani*, Mohammed I Fallatah and AbdulJaleel A AbuBshait
Oil and gas exploration applies numerical modeling techniques to understand the development of hydrocarbonbearing
basins and to provide quantitative subsurface models. The accuracy of any prediction depends on several
factors, such as the modeling approach, data acquisition, and data interpretation. Unfortunately, in the oil and gas
industry the quantity of reliable data available to build models is very limited compared to the size of sedimentary
Outcrops are valuable sources of information that should be used to characterize the subsurface. Unfortunately,
we are far from achieving the objective of fully benefiting from outcrops. Despite the fact that an outcrop is directly
accessible, its quantitative modeling and integration remain an issue. Usually, we organize field trips where several
experienced geologists are involved to collect descriptive data from outcrops, whi.. View More»