Mohamed Ali OM
Others, Faculty of Petroleum and Minerals,
Review Article
Evolution and Architecture of Blue Nile Basin Using Integrated Gravity,Reflection Seismic and Wire Line Logs
Author(s): Mohamed NE*, Mohamed Ali OM, Zaroug I and Ibrahim AE
Mohamed NE*, Mohamed Ali OM, Zaroug I and Ibrahim AE
Parts of the Blue Nile basin showed good oil indications a decade ago, the puzzling question is why no oil draining. The common geological sense will go towards the lateral lithologic variations and its impacts on the porosity and permeability and thus towards the dynamics of the processes that governs and generate this architecture and the modes of its development. This study aims to reveal the basin architecture and its evolution, and it strongly suggests the application of constrained 2D backstripping technique using process oriented gravity modeling (POGM) technique and use the discrimination between the rift and sediment anomalies. By decompaction stratigraphic seismic sections, isostasy, recover the geometry of the crust at time of rift, calculating and adding the contribution of sediments and water to rift gravity anomaly, compare between the observed free air and the calculate.. View More»