Mitsuhiro Hishida

  • Research Article
    STEAP4 Inactivation Correlates Poor Prognosis and might be a Possible Cause of steatotic Change in Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Detected by Triple-Combination Array Analysis
    Author(s): Fuminori Sonohara, Masamichi Hayashi, Mitsuhiro Hishida, Yoshikuni Inokawa, Mitsuro Kanda, Yoko Nishikawa, Shin Takeda, Hiroyuki Sugimoto, Tsutomu Fujii, Yasuhiro Kodera and Shuji NomotoFuminori Sonohara, Masamichi Hayashi, Mitsuhiro Hishida, Yoshikuni Inokawa, Mitsuro Kanda, Yoko Nishikawa, Shin Takeda, Hiroyuki Sugimoto, Tsutomu Fujii, Yasuhiro Kodera and Shuji Nomoto

    In the present study, we originally designed triple-combination array analysis to identify tumor related genes in Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC). Using this method, the six transmembrane epithelial antigen of prostate family 4 (STEAP4), it was reported association with obesity and insulin-resistance, was detected as a candidate tumor suppressor gene. We found 32 of 48 (66.7%) tumor tissues showed STEAP4 promoter hypermethylation, and its expression level was significantly reduced in tumor tissues (p<0.0001). Methylated cases demonstrated significantly poorer recurrence-free survival (p=0.0462) and overall survival (p=0.0411). Triple-combination array analysis represents a useful technique for identifying novel tumor-related genes in HCC. .. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2157-2518.1000201

    Abstract PDF