Mitali Parvin
Review Article
Organic Solid Waste Management and the Urban Poor in Dhaka City
Author(s): Mitali Parvin and Anwara BegumMitali Parvin and Anwara Begum
Space within urban areas is differentially allocated among rich and the poor; existence for the poor becomes tenuous within conditions of environment degradation. Many migrants to the city are faced with uncertainties in their rural origins and opt for better opportunities in the city. However, in the city their activities are remunerated but meagre and without adequate provision for safety to health, in times of climate induced inundation. Urban management in this city is unsatisfactory but, theories conjecture an informality- organizing culture rather than lack of coordination and weak implementation. This paper contends that the problem will sustain, if addressed in a laissez faire manner. Management issues like garbage collection, freeing of effective space for remunerated economic activity, should be based on innovative approach which can minimize environment squalor. This paper .. View More»