Michael Corneille

  • Research Article
    Why Elderly Patients with Ground Level Falls Die Within 30 Days And Beyond?
    Author(s): Alicia Mangram*, James Dzandu, Gervork Harootunian, Nicholas Zhou, Jacqueline Sohn, Michael Corneille, Patrick O Neill, Scott Petersen, Olakunle F Oguntodu and William G Johnson Alicia Mangram*, James Dzandu, Gervork Harootunian, Nicholas Zhou, Jacqueline Sohn, Michael Corneille, Patrick O Neill, Scott Petersen, Olakunle F Oguntodu and William G Johnson

    Background: Together with a growing geriatric population in the United States, ground level falls (GLF) are troubling and quickly becoming a significant cause for geriatric trauma deaths. This study describes the factors associated with GLF fall deaths and examines how these factors changed mortality rate over a 3-year follow-up. Methods: A retrospective study was conducted based on the ASU Center of Health Information and Research (CHiR) database. The dataset included 52,391 patients with GLF admissions at 4 Level-I trauma centers in Arizona from 2008-2011. Patients were identified using ICD-9 GLF specific E-codes E885.x to E888.x. 49,138 patients <60 years who had non-ground level falls were excluded. Abstracted patient demographics, injury characteristics, cause and post injury time of death were summarized and compared using non-parametric tests, Student’s t-test, ANOVA, .. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2167-7182.1000289

    Abstract PDF