Melese Worku
Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Department of Forestry,
Debre Tabor, P.O. Box 272
Research Article
Impact of Water Hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes (Martius) (Pontederiaceae) in Lake Tana Ethiopia: A Review
Author(s): Melese Worku Abera
Melese Worku Abera
One of the lakes in Ethiopia knows as Lake Tana. It is located in Amhara regions the capital city of Bahar Dar town. In this lake in the resent year the very series problem in the areas know as Water hyacinth. Water hyacinth the distribution and abundance increase the current time and also strongly decreased water quality and intensity of aquatic biodiversity in the Lake. The objective of the review was the impact of water hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes (Martius) Pontederiaceae) in Lake Tana Ethiopia. Water hyacinth in the lack and nearby the areas the local community its impact on series environmental problem and its influenced aquatics biodiversity. At present Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipses) have been first position as one of the worldwide most terrible invasive weeds source harms to millions of consumer of water resources.
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