Md. Zafaryab
Research Article
Production and Characterization of Polyhydroxybutryrate Biopolymer from Azohydromonas australica Using Sucrose as a Sole Carbon Source
Author(s): Salman Ahmad, Abuzer Amir, Md. Zafaryab, Khwaja Osama, Soban Ahmad Faridi, Mohammed Haris Siddiqui, Moshahid A Rizvi M and Md. Asad KhanSalman Ahmad, Abuzer Amir, Md. Zafaryab, Khwaja Osama, Soban Ahmad Faridi, Mohammed Haris Siddiqui, Moshahid A Rizvi M and Md. Asad Khan
A bacterial strain Azohydromonas australica DSM 1124 has been chosen, which is accumulated intracellular poly- β-hydroxybutyrate particles, each method which has been merit and demerit for employed in PHB extraction. Our study, we have selected chloroform-sodium hypochlorite method. It is one of the methods for extracting PHB forms Azohydromonas australica DSM 1124. Polyhydroxybutyrate is a biodegradable and biocompatible thermoplastic with many interesting applications in medicine, food packaging and tissue engineering materials. That does not produce any toxins or residues in the environment like petroleum based plastics. The present study was emphasized on enhanced production of PHB by Azohydromonas australica using sucrose as a sole carbon source and estimation of biomass and sucrose content in the media.The batch kinetics analysis of Azohydromonas australica was done an inte.. View More»