Mauro Lenzi
Lagoon Ecology and Aquaculture Laboratory (LEALab), Orbetello Pesca Lagunare srl,
V. G. Leopardi 9, 58015 Orbetello
Resuspension of Sediment as a Possible environmental Management Method for Coastal Lagoons and Aquaculture Ponds
Author(s): Mauro Lenzi *
Mauro Lenzi *
Coastal lagoons are highly productive environments where extensive aquaculture, based on juvenile fish entering from the sea, is conducted with excellent results in many parts of the world. In some cases, production is incremented by introduction of juvenile, prawns and molluscs of commercial value [1,2]. In the last 30 years, coastal areas, including lagoons and ponds, have been subject to man-made eutrophication [3,4]. This process has devastated coastal communities of organisms, favouring opportunistic species, reducing species diversity and often causing die-offs of natural communities and cultivated species [3,4]. Although efforts have been made to reduce nutrient loads from civil wastewater treatment and industry (including land-based fishfarms), many lagoons still have serious environmental problems. The solutions usually used for remediation o.. View More»