Matheus HA

Matheus HA


  • Research Article
    Degradation of Vancomycin Hydrochloride by Electrooxidation
    Author(s): Antunes MH, Arsand DR and Colvara WA Antunes MH, Arsand DR and Colvara WA

    Many pharmaceuticals are considered recalcitrant pollutants and represent a problem for human and animal health due to continuous contribution in the aquatic environment and the bacteria resistance development to antibiotics. Vancomycin is one of the most antibiotics administered in medicine, nevertheless, there is not much knowledge about the presence, fate and the effects of Vancomycin in the environment. The advanced oxidation techniques (AOTs) are shown as alternatives for the treatment of water and wastewater in order to degrade pollutants and contaminants. Therefore, this work is aimed to evaluate the Vancomycin degradation in an aqueous medium using electrooxidation (EO) technique and to optimize the reaction conditions. The experiments were conducted in a homemade electrochemical cell in acrylic with a working volume of 500 cm3; DSA electrodes – Dimensionally Stable Anod.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2329-6798.1000230

    Abstract PDF