Laurel A Copeland

  • Research Article
    Role of Co-existence of Multiple Chronic Conditions on the Longitudinal Decline in Cognitive Performance among Older Adults in the US
    Author(s): Rashmita Basu *,John E Zeber ,Laurel A Copeland ,Alan B. Stevens Rashmita Basu *,John E Zeber ,Laurel A Copeland ,Alan B. Stevens

    Background: The primary goal of this study was to examine the influence of the co-existence of multiple chronic conditions on the longitudinal decline in cognitive performance among elderly individuals of the nationally representative Aging Demographic and Memory Study. Methods: Retrospective longitudinal cohort study of individuals aged 70 years or above. Random effect ordinal logistic regression analysis was performed to assess the impact of co-existing chronic conditions on the longitudinal decline in cognitive function (transitioning from normal functioning to cognitive impairment (no dementia (CIND) to dementia) among older adults. Principal component factor analysis was conducted to identify the clusters of chronic health conditions. Results: About 35% of respondents had at least one of four cardiovascular risk factors (diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol or heart problems).. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2167-7182.S4-004

    Abstract PDF