Krishna TV

  • Research Article
    Spatio-Temporal Changes of Land Use/Land Cover of Pindrangi Village Using High Resolution Satellite Imagery
    Author(s): Gangaraju M, Anitha P, Krishna TV and Sravan KA Gangaraju M, Anitha P, Krishna TV and Sravan KA

    Interpretation of high resolution satellite imagery revealed various Land use/Land cover features in Pindrangi village, High resolution Satellite imagery was acquired from the goggle earth through Sas planet software, the data were acquired for the years 1984, 1994, 2004 and 2014. High resolution Satellite imagery was processed in Arc Map 10.4.1. Further an analysis of the decadal sequence imagery pertaining to decadal aimed at detecting the land use/land cover change has indicated that the plantation has phenomenally increased by 235.20 ha during the study period, at the same period, Crop land (Paddy) which occupied about 66.41 acres in 1984 has been reduced to 17.29 ha by 2014 mainly due to encroachment of plantation like Casurina/Eucalyptus and mango Scrubs area has decreased by 35.52 ha. The present study with the help of GIS and remote sensing (RS) is also a similar attempt in re.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2469-4134.1000201

    Abstract PDF