Khawla M Belhoul

Khawla M Belhoul
Thalassemia Center, Dubai Health Authority,
Central America

  • Case Report
    β-Thalassemia Intermedia with Immune Hemolysis during Pregnancy: A Report of Two Cases
    Author(s): Khawla M Belhoul, Ahmed M Khadhim, Hany E Dewedar and Fatheya Al-KhajaKhawla M Belhoul, Ahmed M Khadhim, Hany E Dewedar and Fatheya Al-Khaja

    Blood transfusion to treat β-Thalassemia Intermedia (BTI) during pregnancy carries a major risk of eliciting alloantibodies that cause hemolysis, which can progress to severe refractory hemolytic anemia. Moreover, autoimmune hemolytic anemia can develop either concurrently or shortly after alloimmunization induced by a blood transfusion. Here, the course and successful outcome of pregnancy is reported for two sisters with BTI who developed severe hemolysis following blood transfusion. Case 1 had heart failure at 31 weeks gestation necessitating a Caesarean section and splenectomy. She received rituximab and responded well. Case 2 was induced at 28 weeks of gestation due to non-reassuring fetal status. Neither case received blood transfusions early in childhood, which could have contributed to the severe alloimmune hemolysis observed when they received transfusions during pregnanc.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2155-9864.1000185

    Abstract PDF