Junghee Han

Junghee Han
Graduate School of Smart City Science Management,
Sejong-ro Sejong City

  • Review Article
    Patenting Activity - A Proxy of the Technology Gap? The Case of Korea and China. Intel Prop Rights
    Author(s): Junghee Han and Wangwoo Junghee Han and Wangwoo

    Technology is a key factor shaping economic growth. The technology gap between countries can be seen as a consequence of the disparity between patent protection levels and patenting activity. Technological progress depends on both domestic and foreign stocks of knowledge, the national infrastructure and the social institutional system. This paper discusses the extent to which the technology gap may be narrowed by strong levels of patent protection. The underlying premise to be assumed throughout is that patent rights have the power to influence the creation and diffusion of technology. As the importance of appropriability under many legal system increases, having a coherent strategy concerning intellectual property rights is crucial, both at the business and national levels. By considering data pertaining to patents, patenting activities, and social infrastructure, gathered from a num.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2375-4516.1000151

    Abstract PDF