Juan Bueno
Research Center of Bioprospecting and Biotechnology for Biodiversity Foundation (BIOLABB),
Bioprospecting and their Role in the Innovation of Vaccine Adjuvants:
Mega Diversity as a Source of Competitiveness
Author(s): Juan BuenoJuan Bueno
Adjuvants are defined as any compound or complex molecular or supramolecular assembly that can increase the immune response when is administered in formulation with an antigen. In this way, adjuvants have the ability of act as immune enhancers, this promotes early innate immune responses which increase the effectiveness enabling antigen recognition. This topic is an important research field due to immunization with purified protein antigens typically results in the induction of a modest antibody response with little or no T-cell response, so required multiple immunizations to obtain an adequate protective response. Vaccine adjuvants is a new and innovative platform that after a century when the only adjuvants licensed for human use were hydroxide and phosphate salts of aluminium are not effective satisfactorily. Recently, natural products have been examined as potential vaccine adjuva.. View More»