Juan Bueno
Bioprospecting development and consulting, Bogota,
Short Communication
Metabolomics in Antimicrobial Drug Discovery: The Success of the Chemical Diversity
Author(s): Juan Bueno
Juan Bueno
Metabolic networks are an expression of the functionality in biological systems, with the study of metabolomics is possible to obtain data about the physiological state of organisms interacting with various environmental factors, equally develop treatment strategies that reverse the disease. Currently, the metabolomics are a promising tool in drug discovery; because can elucidate drug targets, identify new sources of bioactive compounds and lead the development of new trends for drug production as well as select patients for clinical trials and monitor their health status. In this commentary, the article will be explored the metabolomics as perhaps the more interesting set of techniques able to influence various fields, and most expectancy to use it to cross the valley of death between basic science and application, especially in a public health threat as is antimicrobial resistance... View More»