Juan A Rey

Juan A Rey


  • Research Article
    EZH2 and Sonic Hedgehog Inhibition Reduce Proliferation, Migration, In Vitro Tumorigenesis, and CD133 Expression in Desmoplastic Medulloblastoma Cells
    Author(s): Javier de la Rosa, Leire Tapia, Mehdi H Shahi, Bárbara Meléndez, Juan A Rey, Miguel A Idoate and Javier S CastresanaJavier de la Rosa, Leire Tapia, Mehdi H Shahi, Bárbara Meléndez, Juan A Rey, Miguel A Idoate and Javier S Castresana

    Medulloblastoma is the malignant brain tumor that most affects children and young people. Its treatment is very aggressive and can leave important neurocognitive sequelae in patients. Medulloblastoma can be classified histologically and molecularly in different subtypes. Our work focuses on the specific subtype in which the sonic hedgehog pathway is altered. DAOY cells, which correspond to desmoplastic Shh medulloblastoma, were independently treated with two pharmacological inhibitors: cyclopamine and DZNep. Cyclopamine directly inhibits Smo, thus inhibiting the sonic hedgehog pathway; while DZNep acts at the epigenetic level by inhibiting EZH2 function, a histone-lysine N-methyltransferase. The two inhibitions were compared cellularly and molecularly, demonstrating that both drugs reduced cell viability, colony formation, cell migration and the expression of cancer stem cells related.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2475-3203.1000113

    Abstract PDF