John K Asamoah

John K Asamoah
National Investment Bank,

  • Research Article
    The Role of Leadership in Combating Corruption in Decentralized Governance Structures of Ghana: An Empirical Study of GA South District Assembly
    Author(s): John K Asamoah John K Asamoah

    The study attempted to investigate how leadership can be used to combat corruption in decentralized governance structures of Ghana. In conducting the study, purposive sampling technique was employed to select key officials of GA south municipal assembly whose duties often promote corrupt practices. The questionnaire technique was the research instrument while a statistical package for social science was used to facilitate the analysis of data captured from the field. Findings of the study noted that under invoicing, over invoicing, payment for works not done among others are serious corrupt practices prevailing within the decentralized grassroots governance structures. It also came to light that political interference, appointing political operatives to key positions in governance units all promotes corrupt practices. The study noted that if political interference can be removed in th.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2315-7844.1000228

    Abstract PDF