Jita G Hoogerduijn

  • Research Article
    Structural Validity and Reliability of the Dutch Older Patient in Acute Care Survey (OPACS), Measuring Nurses Attitude towards Older Patients
    Author(s): Jeroen Dikken, Jita G Hoogerduijn, Sharon Klaassen and Marieke J Schuurmans Jeroen Dikken, Jita G Hoogerduijn, Sharon Klaassen and Marieke J Schuurmans

    Background: In clinical practice, nurses’ attitudes regarding older patients are important in relation to quality of care. The Older People in Acute Care Survey (OPACS) is an instrument measuring hospital nurses attitudes regarding older patients and validated in Australia and the USA. The OPACS is translated in Dutch language and content validity of this translation is previously assessed, presenting questionable results. Measurement instruments, however, cannot be “validated” based on content validity evidence alone. Judgmental evidence and statistical analysis should be combined to fully evaluate content domain definition and representation and guide further development. Objective: Assess structural validity and reliability to fully evaluate the OPACS for use in the Netherlands, complementing previous conducted content v.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2167-7182.1000393

    Abstract PDF