Jesus Merayo-Lloves

  • Review Article
    Function and Therapeutic Potential of Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Their Acellular Derivatives on Non-Healing Chronic Skin Ulcers
    Author(s): Victor Alfonso Solarte, Silvia Becerra-Bayona, Lissette Sánchez-Aranguren, Claudia L. Sossa, Alvaro Meana, Jesus Merayo-Lloves and Martha L. Arango-Rodríguez Victor Alfonso Solarte, Silvia Becerra-Bayona, Lissette Sánchez-Aranguren, Claudia L. Sossa, Alvaro Meana, Jesus Merayo-Lloves and Martha L. Arango-Rodríguez

    Non-healing chronic skin ulcers are considered a major biological, psychological, and financial burden for both patients and health systems. Multidisciplinary endeavors are required to address this refractory disease, in order to find definitive solutions that lead to improved living conditions. Diabetes, venous stasis, arterial insufficiency, pressure and radiation are common risk factors associated with chronic wounds. Unfortunately, the cured state for these wounds has a high relapse rate, which adversely affects the patient’s quality of life. Nevertheless, advances on regenerative medicine have allowed the development of cell-based therapies that promote wound healing by increasing cell migration and differentiation. Particularly, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and their acellular derivatives have emerged as an attractive therapeutic agent in various diseases, including chron.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2157-7633.1000423

    Abstract PDF