Jeanette A. Stewart

  • Research Article
    Incidence of Ophthalmic Start-Ups
    Author(s): William C. Stewart, Shilla Marie Hernandez, Jeanette A. Stewart RN and Lindsay A. Nelson BSWilliam C. Stewart, Shilla Marie Hernandez, Jeanette A. Stewart RN and Lindsay A. Nelson BS

    Purpose: To evaluate the incidence of Start-up company formation associated with new molecules or new indications for older medicines within 5 years of their description in ophthalmic peer-reviewed literature. Methods: A retrospective, observational review of new ophthalmic pharmaceutical compounds or new indications of older products appearing on PubMed between June 01, 2010 and December 31, 2011. Results: Included in this study were new compounds (n=21) or older compounds with a new indication (n=28). The most frequent indications were: anti-infectives (n=7), glaucoma (n=5), and anti-retinal neovascularization (n=4). No new ophthalmic companies were founded by the original author(s) for the originally described indication (0/49) within 5 years of publication. In contrast, 2 ophthalmic companies for a different ocular.. View More»
    DOI: 10.35248/2684-1622.18.3.119

    Abstract PDF