Jan Cornelis
Research Article
Hazard Mapping of Landmines and ERW Using Geo-Spatial Techniques
Author(s): Aura Cecilia Alegria, Esteban Zimanyi, Jan Cornelis and Hichem Sahli
Aura Cecilia Alegria, Esteban Zimanyi, Jan Cornelis and Hichem Sahli
Landmines and Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) continue to represent a significant nuisance for society in affected countries. Coping with humanitarian and development activities, mine action aims at both, reducing the impacts of the presence of landmines/ERW on the population, and ultimately returning cleared land to the communities. These are the main tasks of mine action decision makers. This study combines landmine/ERW contamination data with explanatory variables that contain information about underlying targets. They are integrated into a risk mapping framework using Geographic Information Systems with other information sources, such as remote sensing. The aim of this paper is to provide insights into the populations and/or locations at risk caused by landmine and ERW impacts on a broad and local scale. Thus, the concept of ‘hotspots’ is particularly useful because it.. View More»