Review Article
Prebiotics and Probiotics within the Framework of the Hologenome Concept
Author(s): Ilana Zilber-Rosenberg and Eugene RosenbergIlana Zilber-Rosenberg and Eugene Rosenberg
Prebiotics and probiotics fall within the framework of the hologenome concept which posits that the holobiont (host plus all of its associated microorganisms) with its hologenome, acting in consortium affects all aspects of the holobiont’s fitness (adaptation, survival, development, growth and reproduction) and evolution. Variation in the holobiont can be brought about by amplification of endogenous microbes and by acquision of novel strains. Prebiotics and probiotics function by these mechanisms and can cause rapid changes in the diverse microbiota, which not only can benefit (or harm) the holobiont in the short term but also can be transmitted to offspring and lead to long lasting cooperations and changes which cannot as yet be predicted. The role of bacteriophages in moderating the effects of prebiotics and probiotics is also discussed. .. View More»