Helen Miliou
Research Article
Effect of Temperature and Seasonality Principal Epizootiological Risk Factor on Vibriosis and Photobacteriosis Outbreaks for European Sea Bass in Greece (1998-2013)
Author(s): Georgios Bellos, Panagiotis Angelidis and Helen MiliouGeorgios Bellos, Panagiotis Angelidis and Helen Miliou
Our epizootiological survey was focused on bacterial diseases of European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax L., an important Mediterranean species for aquaculture, in Greece. Vibriosis and Photobacteriosis were the most severe bacterial diseases, located in the majority of Greek mariculture areas (Argolikos gulf, North Evoic gulf Maliakos gulf and Thesprotia Sagiada coast, Amvrakikos gulf, Aitoloakarnania Mitikas coast, Ionian island coasts) during the period 1998-2013. A database of 152 cases was formulated, from which 134 cases concerned vibriosis and photobacteriosis, while the rest outbreaks were motile aeromonas septicemia and tenacibaculosis. PCA pointed out three principal components with the following ranking order: a) temperature and seasonality, b) group of mariculture areas and average body weight, and c) case year. The results of logistic analysis showed the temperature - sea.. View More»