Hassan Muhammad
Case Report
The Role of Flexible Bronchoscope in the Diagnosis of the Pulmonary Tracheobronchial Tuberculosis in Children-Report of Four Cases and Review of Literature
Author(s): Linhua Shu, Hassan Muhammad, Liying Han, Qin Xiong, Yijing Hu, Huiyan Zhang and Dan Wang
Linhua Shu, Hassan Muhammad, Liying Han, Qin Xiong, Yijing Hu, Huiyan Zhang and Dan Wang
The diagnosis of tracheobronchial tuberculosis (TBTB) on the grounds of clinical and radiological findings in children is more difficult due to the lack of etiological confirmation. We aimed to elucidate the application of flexible bronchoscopy (FB) in the diagnosis of tuberculosis (TB) with involvement of tracheobronchial wall named TBTB. Pathological changes typically include mucosal and submucosal edema and hyperemia. It also comprises of tubercular-like nodules, caseous necrosis and fibrous hyperplasia. Acid-fast bacilli staining is done from tissue slices or bronchial alveolar lavage fluid (BALF) sediment and a positive stain confirms the diagnosis. It also aids in differential diagnosis of complicated and refractory pneumonia. Furthermore, it can be beneficial in gastric washing and sputum collection. Flexible bronchoscopy can be performed for pediatric purposes efficiently and .. View More»