Handan Duman
Research Article
The Antioxidant Effects of Capparis Ovata and Deferasirox in Patients with Thalassemia Major
Author(s): Handan Duman, Duran Canatan, Güchan Alanoglu, Recep Sutçu and Tufan Nayır
Handan Duman, Duran Canatan, Güchan Alanoglu, Recep Sutçu and Tufan Nayır
Iron overload and auto-oxidation of unpaired globin chains is the main cause of oxidative stress in thalassemia. We aimed to show the additive antioxidant effect of capparis Ovata and deferasirox in thalassemic patients. A total number of 40 thalassemia major patient aged between 7-30 years, who have been taken regular red cell 15 cc/kg/month to maintain Hb >10 gr/dl) and chelation (30 mg/kg/day ICL-670) for one year are involved. They were divided into two groups as control and study group randomly. Both study and control groups were followed by regular transfusion and chelation therapy. In addition study group has been taken capparis marmalade at the breakfast with a dose of a dessert-spoon (12.5 gr) younger than 10 years and a soup-spoon (25 gr) older than 10 years for 6 months. Hematological and biochemical parameters, ferritin at every month and oxidative-antioxidant status (M.. View More»