Gunes ARIK
Review Article
Hypertension in Older Adults-Geriatrician Point of View
Author(s): Gunes ARIK and Burcu Balam YAVUZ
Gunes ARIK and Burcu Balam YAVUZ
Prevalence of hypertension increases with advanced age; however, its awareness and control frequencies are still low. A variety of factors including physiological changes due to aging contribute to the increase in prevalence of hypertension in geriatric age group. Adverse outcomes of hypertension are much more frequent in older adults. Besides from end organ damage hypertension is linked to several geriatric syndromes namely dementia, falls, and quality of life. Diagnoses, treatment, follow up, and blood pressures goals differ in older adults and this geriatric age group needs special consideration while managing hypertension. Hypertension should be treated in older adults, but with caution and appropriate medication. The catch-phrase “Start low, go slow, but go!” should be applied for this age group. This review focuses on the special issues of hypertension in the older p.. View More»