Gerald G Enriquez
Research Article
Formulation Development and In vitro Evaluation of Oral Extended release Capsules Containing Biodegradable Microspheres
Author(s): Gerald G Enriquez, Brandon A Orawiec, Syed AA Rizvi and Duc P DoGerald G Enriquez, Brandon A Orawiec, Syed AA Rizvi and Duc P Do
Oral extended-release delivery of Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) class II and III compounds is desirable in order to decrease dosing frequency and potential adverse effects. Maintaining an extended-release profile of the drug is ideal to minimize fluctuations in plasma concentrations. The main objective of this research was to formulate a polymeric microsphere drug delivery system that will effectively provide extended-release characteristics via an orally administered capsule. Using acetaminophen and ibuprofen as model drugs, this drug delivery system was shown to provide extended-release characteristics of the drug for enhanced efficacy. The biodegradable polymeric matrix was formulated using bovine serum albumin (BSA) with glutaraldehyde as the crosslinker. The drug of interest was then encapsulated into the polymeric matrix and spray-dried into microspheres. Once pre.. View More»