Frédéric Scholastique

  • Research Article
    Recommendations for the Management of Geriatric Patients Visiting Emergency Department and Risk of Death: An Observational Cohort Study
    Author(s): Cyrille P Launay*, E Jaunin, Frédéric Scholastique, Helene Riviere, Julia Chabot and Olivier Beauchet Cyrille P Launay*, E Jaunin, Frédéric Scholastique, Helene Riviere, Julia Chabot and Olivier Beauchet

    Objective: To examine the effects of geriatric and gerontological recommendations for the management of geriatric patients visiting an emergency department (ED) on risk of death in the first year following the ED visit. Methods: A total of 131 geriatric patients who visited Angers University hospital ED were prospectively included in this observational cohort study. They were separated in three groups matched on age and gender: two intervention groups (11 patients with geriatric recommendations and 23 patients with gerontological recommendations) and one control group (97 patients without any recommendations). Intervention was provided upon the participant’s ED admission. Incident mortality was collected via the administrative registry of Hospital before patients’ discharge and via a systematic phone call 12 month after the ED vi.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2167-7182.1000470

    Abstract PDF