Francisco Rojo-Callejas
Research Article
Detection of Aflatoxins, Mutagens and Carcinogens in Black, White and
Green Peppers (Piper Nigrum L.)
Author(s): Jesús Ismael Garduño-García, Magda Carvajal-Moreno, Francisco Rojo-Callejas and Silvia Ruiz-VelascoJesús Ismael Garduño-García, Magda Carvajal-Moreno, Francisco Rojo-Callejas and Silvia Ruiz-Velasco
Aflatoxins, bis-dihydro-furancoumarins, are secondary metabolites that are produced by molds of Aspergillus sp. with adverse effects in humans and animals. The International Agency for Research on Cancer classifies aflatoxins in Group 1 of proven human carcinogens. Thus, aflatoxins in foods are highly regulated throughout the world. The purpose of this research was to identify and quantify aflatoxins in 54 pepper samples (19 black, 19 white and 16 green peppers) from markets in Egypt, India, Turkey and the 16 boroughs of Mexico City, as well as to validate the experimental method used. All samples were contaminated with at least one aflatoxin: 95% (51/54) were contaminated with aflatoxin B1 (0.1 to 218 μg kg-1); 80% (43/54) with aflatoxin B2 (0.4 to 382 μg kg-1); 67% (36/54) with aflatoxin G1 (0.4 to 612 μg kg-1); and 93% (50/54) with aflatoxin G2 (1.37 to 494 μg kg-1). On.. View More»