El-Zahar KM
Laboratory of Transfer Phenomena and Instantaneity in Agro-Industry and Building, Pôle Science and Technology,
Av. Michel Crépeau 17042 La Rochelle Cedex01
Research Article
Gross Antibodies, Chemical Composition of Bovine Milk and its Influence by Thermal Stability
Author(s): El-Zahar KM, El-Loly MM and Abdel-Ghany AZEl-Zahar KM, El-Loly MM and Abdel-Ghany AZ
Immunoglobulin G (IgG), chemical composition contents of bovine milk during the first week of postpartum and the effect of heat treatments on bovine colostrum IgG contents were evaluated. Individual milk samples were collected from five cows at 0-0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 days postpartum. The obtained results showed that the total solids, total protein, fat and ash contents decreased irregular with time after parturition, while the lactose content had an opposite trend. IgG concentrations were higher significantly during 0-0.5 and 1st days than those of other days postpartum, where the mean ± SD of IgG concentrations were 122.60 ± 5.24 and 118.44 ± 5.90 g/L during 0-0.5 and 1st days postpartum, respectively. However, IgG concentrations dropped markedly with time progress of lactation at the end of the first week (7th day); it was 55.16 ± 17.30 g/L that ha.. View More»