Edward C O’Bryan
Charleston, SC
Case Report
Valsalva Retinopathy in Pregnancy: A Case Report from the Emergency Department
Author(s): Edward C. OâÂÂBryan*, Michael D. Green and Lacey P. MenkinSmithEdward C. OâBryan*, Michael D. Green and Lacey P. MenkinSmith
Introduction: Rap`id increases in intraocular pressure can result in sudden-onset vision loss in a self-limiting condition known as Valsalva Retinopathy. Pregnancy is a known risk factor.
Case presentation: A pregnant woman presents to the Emergency Department with complaints of unilateral central vision loss after an episode of vomiting. Fundus exam of the left eye identified haemorrhages consistent with Valsalva Retinopathy.
Conclusion: Superficial retinal capillaries can hemorrhage as a result of Valsalva maneuvers. Natural pregnancy changes with other stressors like vomiting can leave a woman at higher risk for Valsalva retinopathy. Valsalva Retinopathy patients can be discharged with close follow-up. .. View More»