Édilon Sembarski de Oliveira
Review Article
Disinfectant Use in the Hospital Environment for Microorganisms Control
Author(s): Édilon Sembarski de Oliveira, Eduardo Henrique Vieira Araújo, Juliane Nogueira Ramos Garcia, Ferdinando Agostinho, Karlla Kristinna Almeida Medeiros, Tony de Paiva Paulino, Raquel Loren Reis, Maisa Ribeiro, Camila Botelho Miguel# and Wellington Francisco Rodrigues#*
Édilon Sembarski de Oliveira, Eduardo Henrique Vieira Araújo, Juliane Nogueira Ramos Garcia, Ferdinando Agostinho, Karlla Kristinna Almeida Medeiros, Tony de Paiva Paulino, Raquel Loren Reis, Maisa Ribeiro, Camila Botelho Miguel# and Wellington Francisco Rodrigues#*
Studies indicate that the hospital has an important role in transmission of various pathogens. To minimize the spread of these microorganisms in hospitals, they proposed various forms of disinfection, however diversity and effectiveness of these methods are varied. Thus, this study aimed to understand the associations and approaches that have been reported in recent years on microorganisms control by disinfectants in the hospital environment, thus enabling the search for new strategies and/or implementation of conducts already performed in other hospitals. In this article they performed a systematic review on the topic, in accordance with the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyzes-PRISMA. Articles were selected published between the years 2012-2016 present in the PubMed database. The data demonstrate that reviews many conventional methods may be flawed (10%.. View More»