Domitilia Rosa
Research Article
Vibrio diabolicus Immunomodulatory Effects on Bathymodiolus azoricus During Long-term Acclimatization at Atmospheric Pressure
Author(s): Inês Barros, Susana Mendes, Domitilia Rosa, Ricardo Serrão Santos and Raul Bettencourt
Inês Barros, Susana Mendes, Domitilia Rosa, Ricardo Serrão Santos and Raul Bettencourt
Mussels belonging to the Bathymodiolus genus are the most abundant species inhabiting hydrothermal vent sites from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The presence of endosymbiont bacteria in vent mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus gills is regarded as an evolutionary feature that confers deep-sea vent mussels the ability to adapt to chemosynthesisbased environment while potentially driving host-immune gene expression. In the present study, the functional immunological capabilities of B. azoricus gill tissues were addressed during an acclimatization experiment in aquaria environment at atmospheric pressure, where vent mussels were exposed to Vibrio diabolicus stimulations, for recurrent periods of 6h, alternated with longer sea water incubation intervals, over a 3 weeks’ time course.
The effect of V. diabolicus exposures were analyzed, at distinct time points, where mRNA transcript lev.. View More»