Digissie A

Digissie A


  • Research Article
    Transfusion-Transmissible Infections among Voluntary Blood Donors at Debre Tabor Blood Bank, North West Ethiopia: A Three Years Retrospective Study
    Author(s): Berhanu S, Abebaw S and Digissie ABerhanu S, Abebaw S and Digissie A

    Background: Blood is one of the integral components of body constituents; transfusion of blood and blood products is a lifesaving intervention and benefits numerous patients worldwide. Even if blood donation has invaluable benefits, it carries the risk of transmitting the life- threatening infectious agents. The prevalence of transfusion-transmissible infections (TTI) in blood donations ranges from 0.002% in high-income countries to 0.85% in low income countries for HIV. The aim of this study is to assess transfusion transmissible infections among voluntary blood donors at Debre Tabor blood bank. Method: An institutional based cross-sectional study design was conducted among voluntary blood donors at Debre Tabor blood bank from September 2014 – August 2017. All blood donors were included in the study and checklist was used to extract d.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2375-4273.1000236

    Abstract PDF