Dhanunjaya Y

Dhanunjaya Y
Karpagam Faculty of Medical Sciences & Research,
Othakkalmandapam, Coimbatore 641032, Tamil Nadu

  • Research Article
    A Study of Plasma D-Dimer Levels in Various Stages of Liver Disease
    Author(s): Dhanunjaya Y, Usha Anand and Anand CV Dhanunjaya Y, Usha Anand and Anand CV

    Aim: Defects in the process of coagulation and fibrinolysis is a common feature of various types of liver disease. The present study sought to evaluate the utility of D Dimer, a stable product of fibrinolysis in assessing this aspect of liver function. In the present study we estimated the D-Dimer levels to determine the status of coagulation defect and bleeding tendency. Materials and methods: Ninety-nine patients with chronic liver disease were classified into groups A, B and C based upon the Child-Pugh scores. This score was calculated based upon values of serum bilirubin, serum albumin, internationalized normal ratio (INR), as well the severity of ascitis and hepatic encephalopathy. Plasma D-Dimer was estimated using an immuno-turbidimetry. The results were analyzed using the student’s ‘t’ test as well as ANOVA. .. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2167-0889.1000119

    Abstract PDF